From the Archives of Endless Skye


I originally wrote this in '96 to access a memory-mapped i/o register
that was inaccessibe in real mode. If the segment limit size wasn't
reset on the return to real mode, it was possible to address more
than 64K of memory. This quirk was utilized to access memory beyond
the reach of real mode on processors of the time.
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;     DEVREG.ASM: Jumps to protected mode to read or write a 32-bit
;                 value from or to any physical memory address and
;                 then returns to real mode. See notes.
;   Notes:
;   There is no checking done to see if we are running in a Virtual
;   DOS machine or in protected mode. In either case the results
;   are unpredictable, but most likely the system will crash. Adding
;   these checks are not a big problem if they are needed.
;   This is a minimalist switcher: there is no IDT or LDT, and only four
;   entries in the GDT. We turn off interrupts, except the NMI and SMI,
;   before we jmp to protected mode and keep them off until we switch back
;   to real mode. If a s/w fault or exception occurs, the machine will lock
;   ignominiously. Paging is disabled. The three entries in the GDT are:
;   the required NULL entry at offset 0, the CS descriptor, and the
;   descriptor for the DS, SS, ES, and FS selectors. GS will point to the
;   the high memory address we want to access. Further, we don't need
;   a TSS since we don't do ring transitions and we don't need to use
;   the task segment.
;   The segments are defined manually because we need to use the .386P
;   directive for some of the operating-system type instructions. This
;   directive creates "USE32" segments, and not the the 16-bit segments
;   that are needed. Even though the original development was done
;   using the Borland Assembler, there are no Borland-specific usages
;   in this file. I have successfully assembled this file using ML 6.11c.
;   I have placed the data in Borland's FAR data segment just to reinforce
;   the notion that this module is in it's own world. I use
;   "lea" to determine offsets within the data segment, would should compute
;   the correct address whether this data segment is in a segment by itself
;   or part of a group. There is no reason why this module needs to be linked
;   in with large model modules. It can just as easily be linked in with medium
;   model, which is the minimum (though you may need to change the name and
;   other chacteristics.
;   Not all code needs to use 32-bit instructions and addressing. This causes
;   a small performance penalty because of the read of the "66h" or "67h"
;   prefixes. Also I didn't make any deliberate attempt to reorder instructions
;   to suit the Pentium. This is another area of potential optimization if
;   to try and keep execution time to a minimum.
;   Borland Turbo Assembler v1.41: tasm /mx devreg.asm
;   [-kdb-] 11:47:52.62 08-20-1996
;                             M A C R O S  
;                          C O N S T A N T S
;[---selectors & misc. constants---]

;[---descriptor bits:assume relative addressing w/in "access" byte in DESC---]
;[---descriptor bits:assume relative addressing w/in "gran" byte in DESC---]
DESC_32BITCODE  EQU 040h    ; if set, then 32-bit operands and 32-bit effective
                            ;   addressing is assumed
DESC_BIGDATA    EQU 040h    ; if set, PUSHes, POPes, and CALLs use ESP instead
                            ;   of SP

;                           T Y P E D E F S
;   386 Descriptor Template
    wLim_0_15   DW  0   ; limit bits (0..15)
    wBas_0_15   DW  0   ; base bits (0..15)
    bBas_16_23  DB  0   ; base bits (16..23)
    bAccess     DB  0   ; access byte
    bGran       DB  0   ; granularity byte
    bBas_24_31  DB  0   ; base bits (24..31)
;   base for IDT & GDT
    wLimit  dw  0
    dwBase  dd  0
;                               D A T A
        assume  ds:_FARDATA
stak        DD  128 DUP(12345678h)
GDT         LABEL   DESC
lbRealModeIDT   LIMBAS<>
lbGDT       LIMBAS<>
lbTemp      LIMBAS<>
;                               C O D E
        assume  cs:DEVREG_TEXT
;   _WriteDeviceRegister:   Switches temporarily to PM to write a
;                           32-bit value to any physical address.
;   void __cdecl WriteDeviceRegister(DWORD dwPhysicalBase Address,
;                                    WORD wOffset,DWORD dwValue);
                dd  ?       ; original EBP
                dw  ?       ; 16-bit offset of RET
                dw  ?       ; 16-bit CS of RET
?dwPhysicalBase dd  ?           
?wOffset        dw  ?           
?dwValue        dd  ?
PUBLIC _WriteDeviceRegister
_WriteDeviceRegister PROC   FAR 
        push    ebp
        mov     ebp,esp     ; establish stack frame addressability
        push    ebx         ; save the standard registers
        push    esi
        push    edi
        push    ds
        mov     ax,_FARDATA ; establish addressability of our data
        mov     ds,ax

        ; do any real mode housekeeping
        db      66h             ; use 32-bit version of load
        sidt    lbRealModeIDT   ; save the real mode IDT
        ;  construct the LIMIT16:BASE32 to load the GDT
        lea     ebx,lbGDT               ; EBX <-- ptr to LIM:BAS structure for GDT
        mov     [ebx.wLimit],SIZEOF_GDT-1 ; get the size of the GDT less 1
        xor     eax,eax                 ; EAX <-- ensure the high bits are clear
        mov     ax,ds                   ; AX  <-- DS
        shl     eax,4                   ; EAX <-- convert segment to a physical address
        lea     edx,GDT                 ; EDX <-- get the offset of our GDT
        add     eax,edx                 ; EAX <-- add offset to physical segment address
        mov     [ebx.dwBase],eax        ; set the physical addr of the GDT

        ;  set up the GDT
        ; (1) set up the descriptor for the GS selector
        mov     eax,[ebp.?dwPhysicalBase]   ; EAX <-- physical base
        lea     ebx,GS_DESC                 ; EBX <-- ptr to the GS descriptor
        mov     [ebx.wBas_0_15],ax          ; set low 16-bits of physical address
        shr     eax,16                      ; move the high word to the low word
        mov     [ebx.bBas_16_23],al         ; set bits 23..16
        mov     [ebx.bBas_24_31],ah         ; set bits 31..24
        mov     [ebx.wLim_0_15],4096-1      ; limit is # of bytes minus 1
        mov     [ebx.bAccess],DATA_ACCESS_BITS  ;set these access bits:
                                            ;  present, DPL=0, read/write access
                                            ;  application type selector                                                    
        ; (2) set up the descriptor for the other selectors
        xor     eax,eax                 ; EAX <-- ensure the high bits are clear
        mov     ax,ds                   ; AX <-- DS
        shl     eax,4                   ; EAX <-- convert segment to a physical address
        lea     ebx,OTHER_DESC          ; EBX <-- offset of the "Other" descriptor
        mov     [ebx.wBas_0_15],ax      ; set the low 16 bits of the base
        shr     eax,16                  ; move the high word to the low word
        mov     [ebx.bBas_16_23],al     ; set bits 23..16
        mov     [ebx.bBas_24_31],0      ; set bits 24..31
        mov     [ebx.wLim_0_15],0ffffh  ; set the limit to 64K
                                        ;   We set the descriptor to this limit
                                        ;   because it makes things easier on
                                        ;   the way back to real mode.
        mov     [ebx.bAccess],DATA_ACCESS_BITS  ; set the std data access bits
        ; (3) set up the CS descriptor we'll use in PM
        xor     eax,eax                 ; EAX <-- ensure the high bits are clear
        mov     ax,cs                   ; AX <-- CS
        shl     eax,4                   ; EAX <-- convert segment to a physical address
        lea     edx,$PMCodeExecute      ; EDX <-- offset of code where we're
                                        ;   running in full PM
        add     eax,edx                 ; EAX <-- add in offset contribution
        lea     ebx,CS_DESC             ; EBX <-- offset to CS selector we'll
                                        ;   use in protected mode
        mov     [ebx.wBas_0_15],ax      ; set the low 16-bits of the base
        shr     eax,16                  ; EAX <-- move hi to lo word
        mov     [ebx.bBas_16_23],al     ; set bits 23..16
        mov     [ebx.bBas_24_31],0      ; set bits 24..31
        mov     [ebx.wLim_0_15],0ffffh  ; set the limit to 64K
                                        ;   We set the descriptor to this limit
                                        ;   because it makes things easier on
                                        ;   the way back to real mode.
        mov     [ebx.bAccess],CODE_ACCESS_BITS ;set these access bits: present,
                                               ;  DPL=0, execute/read access
                                               ;  application type selector
        ;   get the other parameters of interest
        mov     esi,[ebp.?dwValue]      ; ESI <-- value to write to hi memory
        movzx   edi,[ebp.?wOffset]      ; EDI <-- 16-bit offset w/in hi memory

        ; save the flags, we don't want to reenable interrupts if
        ; the caller has them disabled

        ;   save all segment registers, except SS, on the real mode (RM) stack
        push    ds
        push    es
        push    fs
        push    gs
        mov     bx,ss       ; BX  <-- save RM stack segment
        mov     ebp,esp     ; EBP <-- save RM stack ptr

        cli                 ; mask off all maskable interrupts
                            ;   a NMI or SMI could still come in

        ;  We don't handle any faults or exceptions. A GP fault,
        ;  among others, would bring the machine to a screeching halt.
        db      66h             ; use 32-bit version of load
        lidt    NULL_LIMBAS     ; force shutdown in case of a fault or exception

        db      66h             ; use 32-bit version of load
        lgdt    lbGDT           ; tell the CPU about the GDT's LIMIT:BASE

        ;  switch to Protected Mode
        mov     eax,cr0
        or      eax,1               ; set the Protection Enable (PE) bit
        and     eax,NOT 80000000h   ; turn off the PaGing bit
        mov     cr0,eax             ; here we go

        ;   flush the prefetch queue
        jmp SHORT $+2

        ;  Switch all segment registers except for GS to
        ;  the selector pointing to the "Other" descriptor.
        ;  Note that once this is done, all data offsets are
        ;  zero based.
        mov     dx,OTHER_SELECTOR   ; DX <-- "Other" data selector
        mov     ds,dx
        mov     es,dx
        mov     fs,dx
        ;  switch to the PM stack
        lea     ecx,stak + ((SIZE stak) - 4)
        mov     ss,dx
        mov     esp,ecx
        mov     dx,GS_SELECTOR
        mov     gs,dx
        push    ebx                 ; save the original stack frame pointers
        push    ebp
        mov     bx,cs               ; BX <-- save the RM code segment
        push    WORD PTR CS_SELECTOR; push CS PM selector onto stack
        push    WORD PTR 0          ; initial offset in PM
        jmp     DWORD PTR [esp]     ; set CS to a PM selector
        add     esp,4           ; clear off the entry address

        xor     ax,ax           ; we don't have a LDT
        lldt    ax              ; (this instruction would GP fault in RM)
                                ; this is also a Pentium serializing instruction

        ;   This is all we want to do!
        mov     gs:[edi],esi

        ;  Start the trip back. Prior to returning to real
        ;  mode, we need to ensure that the segment registers
        ;  have selectors that point to descriptors with 64K
        ;  limits. That is why during PM setup we set the
        ;  limits to 64K instead of the size of the code and
        ;  and data in this module. We set the GS selector to
        ;  its actual size, but since we're done with it we
        ;  can now set it to one of the other segment register
        ;  values.
        push    ds              ; DS <-- has a 64K limit
        pop     gs              ; set GS to point to 64K limit also

        ;   clear the PE flag
        mov     eax,cr0
        and     eax,NOT 1       ; turn off the PE bit
        mov     cr0,eax
        ;   return to real mode
        push    bx              ; this holds the original real mode CS
        push    OFFSET $RealModeReturn  ; this is based relative to 
                                        ;   to the start of the RM code segment
        jmp     DWORD PTR [esp] ; flush the cache 
                                ;   (only needed for pre-Pentium processors)

        add     esp,4           ; clear off the return address
        pop     eax             
        pop     ebx
        mov     ss,bx           ; restore the RM
        mov     esp,eax         ;   stack
        pop     gs              ; restore all other stack registers
        pop     fs
        pop     es
        pop     ds      
        lidt    lbRealModeIDT   ; restore the RM IDT
        popf                    ; this will reenable interrupts
                                ;   if the caller had them on
        ;  exit
        xor     dx,dx           ; set to 32-bit 0
        xor     ax,ax           ;   just for grins
        pop     ds
        pop     edi             ; restore the usual
        pop     esi             ;   suspects
        pop     ebx
        pop     ebp
_WriteDeviceRegister    ENDP

;   _ReadDeviceRegister:    Switches temporarily to PM to read a
;                           32-bit value from an offset somewhere in
;                           high memory.
;   DWORD __cdecl ReadDeviceRegister(DWORD dwPhysicalBase Address,
;                                    WORD wOffset);
                dd  ?       ; original EBP
                dw  ?       ; 16-bit offset of RET
                dw  ?       ; 16-bit CS of RET
@dwPhysicalBase dd  ?           
@wOffset        dw  ?           
PUBLIC _ReadDeviceRegister
_ReadDeviceRegister PROC    FAR 
        push    ebp
        mov     ebp,esp     ; establish stack frame addressability
        push    ebx         ; save the standard registers
        push    esi
        push    edi
        push    ds
        mov     ax,_FARDATA ; establish addressability of our data
        mov     ds,ax

        ; do any real mode housekeeping
        db      66h             ; use 32-bit version of load
        sidt    lbRealModeIDT   ; save the real mode IDT
        ;  construct the LIMIT16:BASE32 to load the GDT
        lea     ebx,lbGDT               ; EBX <-- ptr to LIM:BAS structure for GDT
        mov     [ebx.wLimit],SIZEOF_GDT-1 ; get the size of the GDT less 1
        xor     eax,eax                 ; EAX <-- ensure the high bits are clear
        mov     ax,ds                   ; AX  <-- DS
        shl     eax,4                   ; EAX <-- convert segment to a physical address
        lea     edx,GDT                 ; EDX <-- get the offset of our GDT
        add     eax,edx                 ; EAX <-- add offset to physical segment address
        mov     [ebx.dwBase],eax        ; set the physical addr of the GDT

        ;  set up the GDT
        ; (1) set up the descriptor for the GS selector
        mov     eax,[ebp.@dwPhysicalBase]   ; EAX <-- physical base
        lea     ebx,GS_DESC                 ; EBX <-- ptr to the GS descriptor
        mov     [ebx.wBas_0_15],ax          ; set low 16-bits of physical address
        shr     eax,16                      ; move the high word to the low word
        mov     [ebx.bBas_16_23],al         ; set bits 23..16
        mov     [ebx.bBas_24_31],ah         ; set bits 31..24
        mov     [ebx.wLim_0_15],4096-1      ; limit is # of bytes minus 1
        mov     [ebx.bAccess],DATA_ACCESS_BITS  ;set these access bits:
                                            ;  present, DPL=0, read/write access
                                            ;  application type selector                                                    
        ; (2) set up the descriptor for the other selectors
        xor     eax,eax                 ; EAX <-- ensure the high bits are clear
        mov     ax,ds                   ; AX <-- DS
        shl     eax,4                   ; EAX <-- convert segment to a physical address
        lea     ebx,OTHER_DESC          ; EBX <-- offset of the "Other" descriptor
        mov     [ebx.wBas_0_15],ax      ; set the low 16 bits of the base
        shr     eax,16                  ; move the high word to the low word
        mov     [ebx.bBas_16_23],al     ; set bits 23..16
        mov     [ebx.bBas_24_31],0      ; set bits 24..31
        mov     [ebx.wLim_0_15],0ffffh  ; set the limit to 64K
                                        ;   We set the descriptor to this limit
                                        ;   because it makes things easier on
                                        ;   the way back to real mode.
        mov     [ebx.bAccess],DATA_ACCESS_BITS  ; set the std data access bits
        ; (3) set up the CS descriptor we'll use in PM
        xor     eax,eax                 ; EAX <-- ensure the high bits are clear
        mov     ax,cs                   ; AX <-- CS
        shl     eax,4                   ; EAX <-- convert segment to a physical address
        lea     edx,?PMCodeExecute      ; EDX <-- offset of code where we're
                                        ;   running in full PM
        add     eax,edx                 ; EAX <-- add in offset contribution
        lea     ebx,CS_DESC             ; EBX <-- offset to CS selector we'll
                                        ;   use in protected mode
        mov     [ebx.wBas_0_15],ax      ; set the low 16-bits of the base
        shr     eax,16                  ; EAX <-- move hi to lo word
        mov     [ebx.bBas_16_23],al     ; set bits 23..16
        mov     [ebx.bBas_24_31],0      ; set bits 24..31
        mov     [ebx.wLim_0_15],0ffffh  ; set the limit to 64K
                                        ;   We set the descriptor to this limit
                                        ;   because it makes things easier on
                                        ;   the way back to real mode.
        mov     [ebx.bAccess],CODE_ACCESS_BITS ;set these access bits: present,
                                               ;  DPL=0, execute/read access
                                               ;  application type selector
        ;   get the other parameters of interest
        movzx   edi,[ebp.@wOffset]      ; EDI <-- 16-bit offset w/in hi memory

        ; save the flags, we don't want to reenable interrupts if
        ; the caller has them disabled

        ;   save all segment registers, except SS, on the real mode (RM) stack
        push    ds
        push    es
        push    fs
        push    gs
        mov     bx,ss       ; BX  <-- save RM stack segment
        mov     ebp,esp     ; EBP <-- save RM stack ptr

        cli                 ; mask off all maskable interrupts
                            ;   a NMI or SMI could still come in

        ;  We don't handle any faults or exceptions. A GP fault,
        ;  among others, would bring the machine to a screeching halt.
        db      66h             ; use 32-bit version of load
        lidt    NULL_LIMBAS     ; force shutdown in case of a fault or exception

        db      66h             ; use 32-bit version of load
        lgdt    lbGDT           ; tell the CPU about the GDT's LIMIT:BASE

        ;  switch to Protected Mode
        mov     eax,cr0
        or      eax,1               ; set the Protection Enable (PE) bit
        and     eax,NOT 80000000h   ; turn off the PaGing bit
        mov     cr0,eax             ; here we go

        ;   flush the prefetch queue
        jmp SHORT $+2

        ;  Switch all segment registers except for GS to
        ;  the selector pointing to the "Other" descriptor.
        ;  Note that once this is done, all data offsets are
        ;  zero based.
        mov     dx,OTHER_SELECTOR   ; DX <-- "Other" data selector
        mov     ds,dx
        mov     es,dx
        mov     fs,dx
        ;  switch to the PM stack
        lea     ecx,stak + ((SIZE stak) - 4)
        mov     ss,dx
        mov     esp,ecx
        mov     dx,GS_SELECTOR
        mov     gs,dx
        push    ebx                 ; save the original stack frame pointers
        push    ebp
        mov     bx,cs               ; BX <-- save the RM code segment
        push    WORD PTR CS_SELECTOR; push CS PM selector onto stack
        push    WORD PTR 0          ; initial offset in PM
        jmp     DWORD PTR [esp]     ; set CS to a PM selector

        add     esp,4           ; clear off the entry address

        xor     ax,ax           ; we don't have a LDT
        lldt    ax              ; (this instruction would GP fault in RM)
                                ; this is also a Pentium serializing instruction

        ;   This is all we want to do!
        mov     ebp,gs:[edi]

        ;  Start the trip back. Prior to returning to real
        ;  mode, we need to ensure that the segment registers
        ;  have selectors that point to descriptors with 64K
        ;  limits. That is why during PM setup we set the
        ;  limits to 64K instead of the size of the code and
        ;  and data in this module. We set the GS selector to
        ;  its actual size, but since we're done with it we
        ;  can now set it to one of the other segment register
        ;  values.
        push    ds              ; DS <-- has a 64K limit
        pop     gs              ; set GS to point to 64K limit also

        ;   clear the PE flag
        mov     eax,cr0
        and     eax,NOT 1       ; turn off the PE bit
        mov     cr0,eax
        ;   return to real mode
        push    bx              ; BX <-- holds the original real mode CS
        push    OFFSET ?RealModeReturn  ; this offset is based relative to
                                        ;   to the start of the RM code segment
        jmp     DWORD PTR [esp] ; flush the cache
                                ;   (only needed for pre-Pentium processors)

        add     esp,4           ; clear off the return address
        pop     eax             
        pop     ebx
        mov     ss,bx           ; restore the RM
        mov     esp,eax         ;   stack
        pop     gs              ; restore all other stack registers
        pop     fs
        pop     es
        pop     ds      
        lidt    lbRealModeIDT   ; restore the RM IDT
        popf                    ; this will reenable interrupts
                                ;   if the caller had them on
        ;  exit
        mov     eax,ebp
        mov     edx,eax
        shr     edx,16
        pop     ds
        pop     edi             ; restore the usual
        pop     esi             ;   suspects
        pop     ebx
        pop     ebp
_ReadDeviceRegister ENDP

;   _A20On: Turns on the A20 address line.
;   void __cdecl A20On(void);
    PUBLIC  _A20On
_A20On  PROC    FAR
        call    _?DrainPort ; wait for the input buffer to be empty
        mov     al,0d1h     ; AL <-- write output buffer opcode
        out     64h,al      ; write opcode to control register          
        call    _?DrainPort ; wait for the input buffer to be empty
        mov     al,0dfh     ; AL <-- bits to write to the output buffer
        out     60h,al      ; tell the control register to write the bits
        call    _?DrainPort ; wait for the input buffer to be empty
_A20On  ENDP        

;   _?DrainPort:    Drains the keyboard input buffer port
;   This is an internal ftn.
_?DrainPort PROC    NEAR
        xor     cx,cx
        jmp     SHORT $+2
        in      al,64h      ; read the status register
        and     al,2        ; clear off all but the input buffer sts flag
        loopne  $1$?dr      ; loop here until the input buffer is empty
_?DrainPort ENDP